All you need to know about our 30-day trial
Demo units are packaged and shipped to the reseller or distributor free of charge for a 30-day in-house trial.
Our SiriUs ATMs have been field tested for over a year and lead the industry in cost and efficiency.
Request Your FREE Trial Now
SiriUs — The Lowest Cost Solution on the Market that You Can Try for Free!
We provide independent ATM deployers a demo unit with a trial period of 30 days. Your trial period begins on the day you receive the demo unit and ends 30 days later.
Pricing & the Return Of Your Profit Margin
For years ATM distributors have been battling costs reductions, to the point that it is often hard to even profit on the sale of ATMs and instead target a longer term ROI from service, that time has now gone. You will LOVE the price points of our ATMs because you will finally be profiting yet again. Our SiriUs I and SiriUs II ATMs are priced extremely well – well enough for you to mark them up significantly and still be providing a fabulous value for your customers.
30-Day Demo – Then order more!
After you experience Puloon SiriUs ATM’s speed and ease of use, we are confident you will want to keep it and order far more for years to come.
Contact us for your free trial today – and restore the profitability of your business.
What Are Our Customers Are Saying About Us?
Our Satisfied Customers are All the Proof You Need to Know We Are the Experts!
In the ATM business, you are always looking for reliable ATM manufacturers to purchase quality ATM machines. When I came across Puloon, I knew it could make a difference in my customers’ business.
I decided to join their distribution channel, and I am glad that I did. My customers always rave about how SiriUs has increased the foot traffic in their store and with it, their sales.
I wanted to be the one to provide them with a sleek, compact, and easy-to-install solution. One of my friends told me about Puloon’s state-of-the-art machine and I knew it was perfect.
I ordered a trial version to test it out. My customers were certainly intrigued by the machines and its features so much so that I ordered in bulk before even completing my trial. I highly recommend people to invest in this machine!
With SiriUs, We Benefit, You Benefit, Your Customer Benefits. Sounds Like a Good Deal to Us!
1. How long is my ATM warranty?
2. Do You Provide Tech Support for My ATMs?
3. When Will I Receive My Order?
4. Where Do You Ship Your ATM Machines?
5. Can I Co-Brand the ATM Machine with the Name of My Company?
6. How Long Does the Trial Last?
7. How Do I Order an ATM Machines?
You can always give us call to speak to us in detail about our ATM solutions.
Request a Free ATM Demo
Ready to restore profitability to your ATM sales business? It starts now, with Puloon ATMs.